Backpacking Jambalaya Style Sausage and Rice
Simple, delicious, and all the ingredients you can find at your grocery store. This jambalaya style sausage and rice may not be the most lightweight backpacking meal but it’s fresh and affordable, adding some variety to the typical dehydrated meal menu!
Are you a little over dehydrated backpacking meals? Or just looking for something a little different? This is the perfect meal for you!
As spring is arriving here in Alberta, I can feel the anticipation for backpacking season starting to grow. We still get out in the winter for smaller hikes and winter camping but it’s hard to beat a summers evening camping by the lake - anyone with me?
Alright, let’s talk about this recipe. It’s super simple but not the most lightweight. So probably not the meal you want to choose for a several day, 100+km thru hike. This is better suited for your short, hike-in 5-15km weekend backpacking trips, especially if you’re a little over eating the dehydrated backpacking meals (don’t get me wrong, they have a time and place!) and open to carrying a little extra food weight.
It’s simple, did I mention that already? Haha. All you need is:
chopped green bell pepper (or whatever bell pepper you enjoy)
sliced up smoked sausage link
1 package spiced rice, like Ben’s Original Bistro Express Jambalaya Style Rice
Give the bell pepper and sausage a quick sauté with a little oil on medium heat until the pepper is softened and the sausage is starting to brown.
Add the rice and a splash of water and sauté until heated through.
Serve in a bowl or eat straight out of the pan!
More Backpacking Eats
What are some of your go-to simple backpacking meals? Let me know in the comments below!
Backpacking Jambalaya Style Sausage and Rice

- 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped
- 1/2 smoked sausage link, chopped
- 1 package spiced rice, like Ben’s Original Bistro Express Jambalaya Style Rice
- Give the bell pepper and sausage a quick sauté with a little oil on medium heat until the pepper is softened and the sausage is starting to brown.
- Add the rice and a splash of water and sauté until heated through.
- Serve in a bowl or eat straight out of the pan!